Wick Map (Streets for All)

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An Important Message from the Wick Street Design Team

Temporary Suspension

In light of recent events and changing priorities, Sustrans Scotland and Highland Council have decided to temporarily suspend all engagement work on the Wick Street Design Project, including our planned online consultation.

However, we want to assure you that you will still have the opportunity to contribute your ideas and comments on the designs, albeit at a later date than expected. In the meantime, our design team is still working away in the background, tweaking and refining the design proposals with feedback from the project’s steering group, made up of residents, business owners and young people.

We look forward to sharing these designs with all of you as soon as we can.

Until then, let’s take a look back at some of the highlights from the project up to now…

The Story So Far

Project Launch

The project launch event in October saw over 80 Wickers taking part in activities to help our team develop a picture of the issues in the town centre and the needs of those who use it.

Discovering Wick

Our project champions put up ballot boxes at key locations around Wick with paper surveys as an alternative to our online survey and over 150 of you filled them in!

Developing solutions

Once we determined the main themes that arose from all of your comments, we came back to you in January for your help to develop design ideas that could tackle some of those problems.

Heritage and Identity

One of the main issues was the lack of identity in the town centre. You wanted to see Wick’s history celebrated and evident on the High Street. At our heritage workshops, you helped us identify key figures, historical events and other things that are unique to Wick and Caithness.

What now?

Right now, we’re using all of this information to develop a design that aims to make Wick High Street more accessible, more attractive and more welcoming for people.

We thank you for all your input into this project so far and for your patience during this time as we see how the situation develops.

Keep well and stay safe.

The Wick Street Design Team

Posted on 28th April 2020

by Tremaine Bilham, Wick Street Design Community Engagement Officer