Wick Map (Streets for All)

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Noss Primary tells us what they think about the High Street

Last week, we were lucky enough to spend time with Noss Primary’s P7 classes and discuss their views about Wick Town Centre. We were pleased to hear that some of the pupils were already aware of the Wick Street Design Project and others were keen to know more and get involved.

During the workshop we discussed barriers that the pupils faced when travelling through High Street and Bridge Street on foot, by bike or other non-motorised transport. The young people were very enthusiastic and needed little encouragement to get stuck in.

"Cars go too fast"

Most of the young people we spoke to said that they often walk through the High Street but many of them told us that they feel scared to cross the road at times as “cars don’t always stop for you”. Traffic speed and volume were cited as major barriers to safety on Bridge Street and High Street with various iterations of “cars go too fast” appearing among their comments. Several students also referred to Market Square as a car park which says a lot about how this area is used – as pedestrians students feel they are not given priority in this space.

"Comfier benches"

As well as telling us what they don’t like about the project area, pupils also shared their favourite things about the High Street and Bridge Street and changes they would like to see in the area. Morag’s and the Turkish barbers were among the most popular High Street amenities that appeared in the pupils’ comments. Most of the young people also said they enjoy socialising with friends but would really like more comfortable seating and space to do this. Benches, greenery and artwork were the most common suggestions for improvements to the pedestrian precinct and there was a very strong sense that students want pedestrians to have greater priority in the area.

Young People's Art

Before making our long journey back to Edinburgh, we left Noss’s P7s with one last task. With the help of their teachers, the pupils will be creating drawings and stories about a time they had fun on the High Street – the Wick Street Design team will be choosing the ten most interesting pieces of art to showcase in our Christmas newsletter and display at our upcoming Design Festival . Watch this space to see which pieces have been chosen!

Posted on 13th November 2019

by Tremaine Bilham, Wick Street Design Community Engagement Officer